Get ready! Actor and Life Coach Anthony joins the conversation on Cue To Cue! Anthony takes us on a journey today. He is opening up about his journey with anxiety and depression, how it has impacted him in his work as an actor, and how it has ultimately lead to coaching others globally on how to conquer and their own anxiety and how shows others how we don’t have to be a victim of mental illness.

In this episode: 

  • How to recognize the “aha!” moments in your life
  • How being present and vulnerable is one of the major keys to conquering your anxiety
  • Why seeing yourself as an inspiration is not arrogant. It is imperative for your growth
  • What being a life coach has taught him about emotions and translated into his work as an actor
  • How he has gone from having crippling anxiety and a failed suicide attempt to coaching others in how to overcome their anxiety and depression.
  • How we often believe we are treating anxiety when often times we are actually enabling it.
  • The moment he felt for the first time that he could actually make a go of it as an actor and how that meant he had to abandon the idea that he wasn’t good enough.

Anthony Caputo: How To Conquer Your Anxiety

by Chelsea Johnson | Cue to Cue

A little about Anthony:

When it comes to anxiety and depression there are many who make the claim that they have some real answers. They often call them-self life coaches, healers, psychologists, mentors and any other number of titles. The shortcoming of many is that they either haven’t experienced anxiety or depression first hand or simply can’t relate and tap into the energy of their clients.

Now with a global portfolio of clients, Anthony can be considered the ultimate “life coach”. With real-life testimonials from clients who have gone from homebound, to back out in the real world after just one session! Having the ability to motivate people is one quality that Anthony clearly possesses. But an almost spiritual connection, feeding off energy, is what truly sets him apart.

Many say you can’t cure anxiety. And that is often a struggle for people to accept depending where they are at on their own journey. Many people spend years seeing medical professionals and taking various cocktails of medications, with the results being at best, that they are “coping”.

While you could say Anthony’s approach is similar to cognitive theory and mindfulness, it is his ability to truly connect with others that sets him apart. He has a large array of videos on YouTube as well as conducts interactive live sessions in the FB group “Anxiety and Depression Support”. His first 1-1 session is always free as well! There is a lot of content that you can access before you even make the decision to pay for his services.

After growing rapidly in popularity, Anthony has moved onto larger platforms and is the keynote speaker in many talks across the globe.



I: @antonioccaputo

F: @anthonycaputolifecoach

Photoshoot in collaboration with Sarah Stewart Photography



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