Have you ever been in a place in your life where you wanted to achieve the next level of your dream but there is something holding you back? You know it’s fear. That part is obvious. But fear of what what exactly?

This has been me for the better part of a year. I have felt like a dog in yard with an electric fence. So excited to run past my comfort zone and push my boundaries but every time I run to the edge of my yard I am zapped by an invisible fear that leaves me feeling paralyzed, overwhelmed, and ultimately make me want to stay safe in my yard, close to what I know. It’s been driving me crazy! I have gone around and around in my head everyday, asking myself, “What are you so afraid of?” I have come up with some idea but nothing that seemed to hit the mark.

Then, about 10 weeks ago I entered a fitness transformation challenge , and I won. Amazing! Right? Not what I felt. At all. I found myself unintentionally on the other side of that fence! I felt anything but excitement, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. BAM! Smack! Right in the face! The fear, I had been asking myself about. I was terrified to be seen winning! What?! Huh?!

Come along with me on today’s episode of Cue To Cue as I sort through this experience and how it affects my life as and artist and take a look where your own limited beliefs have been keeping you from living and actualizing your dreams. 

Vulnerability, and Self Sabotage, And Winning! Oh mY!

by Chelsea Johnson | Cue to Cue



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