Do you have trouble celebrating others success or sharing the limelight? No judgment here. I think we have all been there from time to time but I will tell you I now realize how much that kind of thinking can kill your creativity and career.

I have learned many things as an artist but the one thing that completely changed the way I feel about myself as an artist and has brought more joy into my career than anything else is learning to support other artists! Not only supporting but wholeheartedly celebrating them!

Now, let me absolutely clear!  I am not talking about that thing that artists do when they see each other out at events and give one another tepid hug and say they are so fabulous and we have to do coffee when they have no intention of grabbing said coffee…

I am talking about being open-hearted enough celebrate someone’s work and to shine your light on them! When I started to genuinely believe that there was enough to go around for everyone, I didn’t cling so tightly to the little spotlight that I had, It gave me room to breathe and understand that other people’s success was my success and my success was there success!

Have a listen to today’s solo round and see if this could be you!

Celebrate Other Artists!! Your Soul And Career Will Thank You!

by Chelsea Johnson | Cue to Cue

Photo Credit: Sarah Stewart Photography 


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